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Political Advocacy – The Truth Unfiltered

I'm not a fan of political advocacy. Trying to herd cats while on a wire is a little like walking on a tightrope. But you're ready to make the world change. At least, try to nudge things in a different direction. For more information, click here to explore our resources.

Telling a story is a better way to engage people than bombarding them with statistics and facts. It makes it personal. They'll start paying attention and not just nodding politely.

The social media jungle is your friend or enemy. It spreads quickly across continents, like Uncle Joe chasing a runaway rib. I'm not just talking about those fake designer fragrances.

You are stronger together. Like spaghetti and meatballs.

Ah, resilience. This is my favorite word. It's better than "free food." I love it more than "free food."

It may seem like you are teaching your grandmother how to use Snapchat. The results are often surprising, even if the process is frustrating. Bring in homemade cookies to sweeten the deal. Use real stories and data to convince your audience of the value of what you are doing.

We care about something bigger than ourselves.

That's it! In a nutshell, political advocacy. Or should I say, an elevator full people? It's messy, exhausting and challenging at times but also rewarding as we can see the changes taking place right before our eyes. It's hard to know how to react when we are the ones who brought about these changes. What's the point of celebrating with pie? This is straight talk from a human to another human. Go out and conquer those nasal dreams! First impressions are always a second chance.

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